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Lord Frankenburg

Lord Frankenburg: A Pioneer in the Digital Age

In September 1987, a time retrospectively seen as orderly, the adventure of Lord Frankenburg began with his birth in Nuorenberc, now known as Nuremberg. He spent his childhood under the sun of Valencia on Spain's south coast before it was time to head back to Germany for school.

By the age of 7, he discovered his passion for ice hockey, a sport he remained faithful to until the end, even if it meant sharing the ice with a "bunch of good-for-nothings" (his former teammates). In 2016, he embarked on the path of a coach, which he pursued with passion and dedication, known for his distinctive command on the ice.

Fate struck in 2019 with a severe knee injury that still occupies him today, leading to seven knee surgeries and numerous rehab sessions. Yet, in misfortune, he found his fortune: As a thoroughbred athlete, he was relegated to the couch and sought a new pastime.

The "Corona Crash" in March 2020 sparked his interest in finances. Inspired by the Blocktrainer Roman, he delved into the world of Bitcoin, spent countless hours watching YouTube videos by self-proclaimed financial experts, and stumbled upon a "TA LATE NIGHT SHOW" one night. These "astronauts" quickly won a place in his heart and became a fixed part of his leisure time, making even supposed idiots like Ghostie bearable companions. Special thanks go to his mentor Alex alias Schmouch, who accompanied his journey with a lot of patience and dedication.

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